Legal notices

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eMotion Tech makes a commitment with you, visitors and customers of our site, in order to guarantee the confidentiality of personal information that you provide.

The present site is published by:
eMotion-tech, LLC, with share capital of 50000 euros
Registred in the Toulouse Trade and Companies Register under number B 751 371 964,
Which head office is located 185 avenue des Etats Unis, 31200 Toulouse, France
Intra-community VAT number: FR28 751371964.

The website publication manager is Mr Guilhem Peres in its capacity as manager.

Website Hosting :

2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix, France
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Capital : 50 000 000 €

+33 (0)9 72 10 10 07

transactions SECURITY

When the payment is done by credit card, the transaction is made between you and the CIC bank, recognized for its reliability in online transactions. The transaction is fully encrypted (SSL).

In every secure zone in which the URL address begins with https:// (where the "s" means "secure"), the informations are encrypted, and so, protectes before transferirng it via the internet. No credit card number is stored on our server.


According to the 6th January 1978 French law related to computing and freedom, you have the right to access, modify, rectify or delete all your personal data. Vous pouvez exercer ce droit en nous envoyant un courrier à l'adresse suivante : eMotion Tech SARL - Marketing Dept.- 185 Avenue des Etats Unis - 31200 Toulouse, France.

You may also consult or modify your personal information by accessing « My account ». 
The automated processing of personal data on the website has been registered in the National Commission for Data Protection (CNIL) under the number "1603347".

By our intermediary, you can be brought to receive proposals for other companies by postal mail or by phone. If you do not wish it, please notify us by postal mail at eMotion Tech SARL - Service Marketing - 185 Avenue des Etats Unis - 31200 Toulouse, France.


The cookie is a data registration placed by  eMotion Tech on your computer in order to facilitate the navigation on the website . 
Thanks to it, you can, for example receive personalized advices or memorize the goods in your shopping cart to continue shopping online.

The aim of these cookies, for us, is to compile statistics of the number of visits on our website (origin of the visit, pages views, date and time of the consultation...) and to suggest potential purchases adapted to your needs.

These cookies are anonymous: they do not allow us to identify you because they depends on the machine, not on the person that use the machine. They are only accessible by you and by eMotion Tech. They can not contain any virus.

You can refuse to accept "cookies", by configuring your browser.

intellectuAL PROPERTY

The entire content of the reprap-france website (photographs, texts, brands, pictures, videos...) is the exclusive property of eMotion Tech, its co-contractors or partners. Any full or partial reproduction of the content of the website by any process or on any medium whatever shaul be subject to prior approval of eMotion Tech.

All the informations, contents, files and provided firmwares on the website are protected ba the French and international laws concerning the intellectual property and the copyright.

eMotion Tech will not authorize the reproduction, representation, copy, display or content transmission for which the user of the website reprap-france does not have intellectual property rights. Any use without the authorization of these contents in fraud of right detained by eMotion Tech and/or by third on these ones is liable to constitute an offence of counterfeiting, severely sanctioned by the Code of Intellectual Property.

eMotion Tech ne saurait en aucun cas être tenue pour responsable de la violation par un utilisateur du site de droits détenus par des tiers et perpétrée à raison des activités de l’utilisateur sur le site reprap-france.