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  • M-Fil Bronze eMotion Tech 3mm 750g

M-Fil Bronze eMotion Tech 3mm 750g

750g of filament 3mm charged with bronze powder
30,00 € VAT inc.
25,00 € VAT exc.
44,90 € VAT inc.
37,42 € VAT exc.
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M-Fil Bronze is our bronze filled filament which is easy to print, sand & polish. With M-Fil Bronze you can create the most beautiful objects with real METAL characteristics, such as a 3 x higher weight than PLA, a METAL feel & touch and thermal conductivity. Due to the high percentage of fillers, M-Fil Bronze has virtually no shrinkage, a special lubricant increases the flow and prevents M-Fil Bronze to adhere to the nozzle. Finally, all above combined with the correct hardness results in a filament that can be printed on almost every type of FDM 3d printer available on the market with retraction enabled on nozzles ≥0.35 mm.

M-Fil Bronze features:
  • Weight: Approx. 80% bronze content
  • Quantity: Approx 30% bronze content
  • PLA-based, 3 times heavier
  • Metal feel & “cold” touch
  • Excellent printability on both direct & Bowden style 3D printers
  • Processing additive added for easy & reliable printing
  • Quick & easy polishing and other post-processing
  • Possibility to print with retraction
  • Works on nozzles ≥0.35 mm
Physical properties:
Description Testmethod Typical value
Specific gravity ISO 1183 3,39 g/cc
MFR 190°C/2,16 kg - n.a.
Tensile strength at yield ISO 527 18,3 Mpa
Strain at break ISO 527 8,0%
Tensile modulus ISO 527 3990 Mpa
Impact strength - Izod method 23˚C ISO 180/A 11,3 kJ/m²

Thermal properties:
Description Testmethod Typical value
printing temp. - 210±10°C
melting temp. ISO 294 195±10°C
vicat softening temp. ISO 306 65˚C

Additionnal informations:
M-Fil Bronze can be printed without a heated bed, but if you do have a heated bed the recommended temperature is ± 35-60˚C. Storage: Cool and dry (15-25˚C) and away from UV light. This enhances the shelf life significantly. M-Fil Bronze can be used on all common desktop FDM or FFF technology 3D printers.

* The bronze powder inside makes the filament abrasive and will result in fast wear of regular brass nozzles.


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