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  • PC ABS V0 1.75mm Black 500g

PC ABS V0 1.75mm Black 500g

PC ABS V0 1.75mm Black 500g
Indicated wieght: actual amount of printable material.
46,80 € VAT inc.
39,00 € VAT exc.
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PC-ABS V0 is a halogen-free flame retardant filament meeting the UL-94 V0 standard. Even though the high content of PC, for superb interlayer adhesion and dimensional accuracy, PC-ABS V0 still prints at ABS-like temperatures. A perfect solution in case self-extinguishing properties is required for your printed objects.

PC-ABS V0 features:

  • Flame retardant (UL-94 V0)
  • Halogen free
  • Superb interlayer adhesion
  • High surface gloss
  • Stable printing process

Physical properties

Thermal properties

Additional info:

Recommended temperature for heated bed is +100˚C. We recommend kapton and / or pva glue stick for adhesion.
PC-ABS V0 can be used on all common desktop FDM or FFF technology 3D printers. Storage: Cool and dry (15-25˚C) and away from UV light. This enhances the shelf life significantly.


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